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Graduated in Business Administration from Methodist Institute Izabela Hendrix, MG (2004), a postgraduate degree in Environmental Engineering Integrated - IETEC-MG (2008), currently studying Biological Sciences at UNIUBE-MG scheduled for completion (Dec/2014). Project Manager at Management Fauna - BIOCEV (Environmental Services and Consulting), Founder of SOS Falconiformes (1997), with participation in projects for rehabilitation of bird of prey coming from redemptions of wildlife, using falconry techniques. Captive breeding of endangered birds of prey, census of birds of prey, rehabilitation of Harpy Eagle in the National Park Pau Brazil (Bahia) and research projects with publications in conferences and journals. 



Falconer, breeder, owner and founder of "EL Niego". Not only a breeder, but also working in raptors reabilitation, with dozens of birds rehabilitated and later released. Conferences about the activities in his breeding center, falconers meetings and educational institutions, co-author of publications on captive breeding. Conservationist, outdoorsman actively involved in conservation projects.





Falconer, bird watcher, advanced student in Veterinary Science at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Buenos Aires , finishing the this year (2014). Technical adviser on "El Niego" from 2005, performed field studies on distribution, reproduction and behavior of raptors in urban environments of the City of Buenos Aires. Teach courses on urban raptors in educational institutions and environmental reserves,  conferences obout falconry and medicine in birds of prey, co-author of publications in captive breeding, 



Started in falconry at age 17 in 1979 as an autodidact, in the period from 1984 to 1988 he attended and completed the course in biology. From there with the help from other Brazilian falconers, initiates a way to introduce the activity of falconry in Brazil by creating an association, which is concretized in 1997 through the founding of ABFPAR - Brazilian Association for falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey. Has several articles published in specialized falconry journals like American Falconry USA, Boletin AECCA Spain, Boletin BOY of Mexico, Journal of NAFA - North American Falconers Association, and TOP CETRERIA Spain.



Degree in environmental engineering, working with raptors for over 18 years. Founder of the institution S.O.S. Falconiformes - research center for the conservation of neotropical birds of prey. Member of the Plan of Action Committee for the conservation of birds of prey in Brazil, managed by IBAMA. Has published articles on raptors related to zoology, ecology, management and conservation, reproductive biology, rehabilitation and captive breeding 

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